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About College  -  


The Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Social Work was established by Shram Safalya Education Society, Amalner. The Shram Safalya Education Society, Amalner is renowned educational institute in North Maharashtra region of the Maharashtra state. The Ramai College of Physical Education (B.P.Ed), Shram Safalya Education Society’s Industrial Training Institute and Nischay Community Center is run by the Shram Safalya Education Society, Amalner under the dynamic leadership of Shri. Subhashdada Dodhu Bhandarkar (B.E.Mech.).

Bhandarkar family has a long legacy of philanthropy by starting educational schools before independence Gangaram Sakharam High School (for Boys), Draupadibai Kanya High School (for Girls), Ramchadrabhau Nutan Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Land donated to Philosophy Center (which is 105 years old now) and other social services in this region. Dodhu Gangaram Bhandarkar was editor of Famous “PATRI” Magazine written by a well-known freedom fighter “PUJYA SANE GURUJI” before independence.

The College of Social Work was started in the academic year 2000-2001, since the inception the Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Social Work subsequently influenced the direction of social work education and social research in North Maharashtra. It has achieved academic excellence and has been catering to the demands of professional social workers in the areas of welfare, development, industry and research. The college has also been very actively involved in awareness programmes on various social issues, field action projects, and research projects.

This College is affiliated with North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon and is located at Amalner-Chopda Road, near Deoli village, Amalner-425401 Dist. Jalgaon.
Since the inception, this College of Social Work has never limited itself the mandate of conventional educational institute, rather it has worked for the promotion of sustainable, equitable and participatory development, social welfare and social justice by:

  • Value based professional Social Work Education.
  • Social interventions through training awareness and field action projects.
  • Social research and dissemination.
Today the PJN College of Social Work has recognition from Ministry of Social Justice, Govt. of Maharashtra and North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. We are also proud that our College has got recognized by UGC-New Delhi, Under Section 2(f) of the UGC- Act 1956 Collaboration and Membership with Information and library Network Centre An Autonomous Inter University Centre of UGC ( INFLIBNET), Accredited by NAAC Banglore with ‘B’ Grade. The college is very rapidly earning the recognition as an institution with repute from different ministries of State Government, Non Government Sector. This is due to positive work approach, creativity, strong linkage in education, research, field action, social commitment and responsiveness to various social needs.
To be an institution of excellence in social work education that continually responds to the changing social attitudes and realities through the development and application of knowledge, skills Attitude towards people centered sustainable society to promote and protect the dignity, equality, social justice and human right.
To organize the academic programmes to facilitate for preparation of the cadre of qualified and committed social work professional and to provide equation to the students for social work practice, research, administration and training to meet the goals of the profession.
  • Provide and organize education and training in social work, social sciences, human resource management and allied fields.
  • Conduct research for promotion and development of knowledge in the social work.
  • Conduct training and awareness programmes for continuing education.
  • Undertake innovative field action project in relevant areas to develop new approaches and strategies.
  • Participate and engage in relief and rehabilitation and development programmes to address human sufferings in any type of disasters.
  • Networking with governments and non governments organizations, academic institutions, people groups and movements.
  • Undertake advocacy and consultancy on relevant issues.

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